The School of Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s University Hospital in conjunction with The Irish Institute for Group Analysis extends an invitation to:

A Taste of Group-Analytic Large Groups

Thursday 16 February 2017

6pm to 9.15pm

in the Tutorial Room, School of Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4.

Update on availability – 12.30 pm 15th February:

Event Full.

For any possibility of last minute availability contact

Aim of event:

sh-foulkes-1To explore the possibilities offered by a Group-Analytic Large Group as a method of working with issues current in organisations and society.

Large groups of more than 35 members appear in many circumstances in modern society. The Group-Analytic Large Group is intended to enable as-free-as-possible dialogue and reflection in a structure that is contained by the time boundary but is otherwise unstructured.  Large groups such as this are an integral part of Group Analytic and Group Relations gatherings, conferences and educational programmes.

The event will consist of:

  1. An experience of a 60-minute Group-Analytic Large Group, led by Dr. Göran Ahlin, MD, PhD, Group Analyst.
  2. A lecture by Dr. Ahlin on the Possibilities and Limitations in dynamic Large Groups followed by discussion.

Cost:                Students/Unwaged:   €20 euro            Waged:   €30

Update on availability – 12.30 pm 15th February:

Event Full.

For any possibility of last minute availability contact

CPD points can be requested for this event

More information to follow and online registration will be available on from the 10th January 2017.
