The School of Psychotherapy is pleased to announce that tickets are now available for the upcoming TSOP@40 CONFERENCE on September 6th, 2024. Read on for more information.
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Have you ever sat in a group and wondered what is going on? FOUNDATION COURSE IN GROUP ANALYSIS 2024 Weekend Training Programme We are often at a loss as to what might be going on in the dynamics of groups, especially when difficulties arise as they always do! This...
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Have you ever sat in a group and wondered what is going on? FOUNDATION COURSE in GROUP ANALYSIS 2023 Weekend Training Programme We are often at a loss as to what might be going on in the dynamics of groups, especially when difficulties arise as they always do! This...
read moreKant and Lacan’s reading of Kant with Sade
12th September 2020, 10 am – 12 midday & 2 pm – 4 pm Two Lectures by Dr. Christian Fierens 10 am – 12 midday: Kant & 2 pm – 4 pm: Jacques Lacan’s reading of Kant with Sade: based on his recent book Le principe de jouissance – Critiquede la raison...
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The Soul of Narcissism – by Dr. Christian Fierens
Saturday 10 am 28th September 2019 Public Lecture by Dr. Christian Fierens (Brussels) based on his recent book The Soul of Narcissism To register and for further information contact: info@tsop.ie
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Have you ever sat in a group and wondered what is going on?FOUNDATION COURSE in GROUP ANALYSISWeekend Training ProgrammeWe all live and work in groups - in our relationships with family and friends andprofessionally in our relationships at the workplace, yet we are...
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A Tribute to the Work of Cormac Gallagher
https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/a-tribute-to-the-work-of-cormac-gallagher-tickets-51381992924 A tribute to the work of Cormac Gallagher The symptom of the psychoanalytic group and the transmission of psychoanalysis The School of Psychotherapy at St. Vincent’s University...
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Have you ever sat in a group and wondered what is going on? FOUNDATION COURSE in GROUP ANALYSIS* September 2018 – June 2019 Weekend Training Programme We all live and work in group settings - personally in our relationships with family and friends and...
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Pioneers of Group Analysis
Film event jointly hosted by IGAS, UCD School of Medicine and The School of Psychotherapy, St Vincent’s University Hospital. Pioneers of Group Analysis Saturday 10th February 2018 at 12.45 University College Dublin Student Centre Cinema Belfield Campus, Dublin 4 In...
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